Darcy's Gallant Gambit

        Darcy is gobsmacked the first time he sees Elizabeth smile. Can he overcome his social anxiety and panic attacks to get to know the woman who affects him in ways he has never before experienced?


        Elizabeth has been advised that she doesn't merely jump to conclusions; she leaps. Can Elizabeth look past her knee jerk reaction and give the new gentleman the benefit of the doubt, when he won't speak to her? It will take more than a little help and a little peril for her to find her happily ever after with the silent stranger, whose touch sent shivers down her spine.


        If you are looking for a Pride and Prejudice Variation with a fairytale feel, check it out on amazon today!

Kitty Catches Kismet


         After bravely fighting in the battlefields against Napoleon, Theodore returns, wounded and lost, seeking a new purpose beyond the military. Yet, his path is strewn with haunting dreams and memories of the struggles he faced while fighting for his life. Can he find his place in a world so different from what he has always known?


        Shooting Wickham with a bow and arrow was only the beginning. Now Kitty needs to go to London and deal with a London season. She can only hope that maybe she will end up with a romance just as spectacular as Elizabeth and Darcy's.


        Kitty Catches Kismet is the second book in my Bennet Ladies Liberation series. Check it out on Amazon today!

Mary's Daring Demand

       Mary Bennet has loved Gabriel Goulding for nearly as long as her sister Elizabeth has loved Mr. Darcy, but Mary remains alone and longing to be loved by the man who holds her heart. Dare she confront the man who possesses her heart? 


        For years, Gabriel Goulding has harbored deep affection for Mary Bennet, but how can he  lapproach the woman he adores with nothing but his love to give?

        The collaboration between Mary and Gabriel in the reconstruction of Longbourn brings hope within reach. If they can withstand the collapsing floors, heated arguments, and blizzard conditions, their love story might just unfold.


        Mary's Daring Demand is the third book in my Bennet Ladies Liberation series. Check it out on Amazon today!

Jane's Fragile Facade

       Jane Bennet responded to her father's cruelty by adopting a mask of serenity. After all if she did not react, then he found no enjoyment in tormenting her. Only by the time her father was no longer a threat, she no longer knew how to drop the facade. Now that she has discovered love Jane questions if Mr. Bingley can truely perceive her true self hiden behind her mask. 

        Bingley promised himself that he would give Miss Bennet the space she needed to recover from her time under Mr. Bennet's thumb. However he is uncertian if he can endure watching the men of the ton relentlessly pursuing the woman he loves. He knows that they only see her buety and smiles and not the woman benith the mask. Bingley has long been able to see beyond her mask , but the question remains: can he make her see his love for her?

        An epidemic at Pemberley forces them to work together and face tragedy as a team. Confronted with death and the fragility of life, bothe begin to understand what truely matters. Can they find the strength to confront the depth of their felings for one another?


        Jane's Fragile Facade is a novella and the fourth story in my Bennet Ladies Liberation series. Check it out on Amazon today!

Murdered on a Wednesday


         Pulse racing and mind whirling, Elizabeth must find a way to understand two important things. Lady Catherine lies slain, and Mr. Darcy is head over heels in love with her. It's a shocking situation that seems impossible to untangle. What's a girl to do now?


        The woman Darcy has been admiring from afar, not only doesn't return his feelings but she might even be repulsed by him. On top of that someone has killed his aunt. Can he find a way to earn his lady's love and catch a killer?


        Immerse yourself in the curious tale of Murder on a Wednesday, where Elizabeth and Darcy take on a murderer while navigating thier complicated relationship.


        If you are looking for a Pride and Prejudice Variation with a murder mystery twist, check it out on amazon today!

Scheduled for September

Amazing! Thoughts to leave with

Not only can I see this variation, I can really see it. Thanks to Jaime Marie Lang for presenting a wonderfully immersive tale, one which completely stands on its own legs even if there never had been any original Pride and Prejudice version. I loved it! I will probably read it again soon. Very few books are in the read-twice category for me, but this is one of those few.

-Review for Darcy's Gallant Gambit by T.F on Amazon

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